Here is the deal, when you see a girl walking down the street or pretty much anywhere, they all look better when they are smiling. Teeth smile or no teeth smile, happy people spread joy. Ever wonder why no one is looking at you? Never get the head turn from a guy? Try smiling. No one wants to talk to a miserable f*ck. Having a bad day, fine. Suck it up the next day put that smile back on your face and get out there. Here is when He could insert corny line, "Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile." Ugh He cannot believe He is actually letting that go up on FbyHe.
Brighten Up He's Day With a Smile...
Labels: Great Smile, White Teeth, Yes Please
Get Ninja! Go Kung Fu! Don't Wear This...
He usually doesn't f*ck with ninjas. Mostly because of the fact that they are ninajas and He only pretends to be one. Jim Drain must be a big time gamer to design a shirt this ugly. He totally gets the idea of an old school video game shirt, just who the hell wants it for $700 and who wants it as a sweater. Maybe a Tshirt He could understand but if you don't pass on this, you'd be making a huge mistake.
Labels: Bad Bad Bad, Jim Drain, Ninja Sweater, Opening Ceremony, This Just In
UPDATED: Lunch with a HottHe...
For the first time ever, He stepped out from behind the mask that is He. Tess from Little Black List was the lucky winner who got to see first hand The King of Fashion. Was she impressed? Of course, if the comments alone don't tell you that, she did a whole LBL Post on He. If you are wondering, Yes Tess was absolutely He Approved. How could you not be for a lunch with a King?
Want to meet He? Want to meet Tess? Come to the Fashion by He Party September 24th.
P.S. He has been working hard to make this a f*cking awesome party. Few things are missing though, if anyone knows a photographer, someone legit, have them He-mail He, as He has no desire to walk around this party taking pictures all night.
The Forgotten
Just remembered I have this lovely dress from Retail Therapy I haven't been wearing for quite some time...:)
And look! I have a new notebook from Engravink, personalized with my name engraved on the cover...yayyy!

Labels: Fashion Diary
A Wedge for a Smile...
He is a fan of high wedges. If you don't have a pair, it's time to get one. Tight jeans are always a nice addition too, if you don't have a pair of these, there is probably a reason.
Labels: NYC Streetstyle, Wedges, Yes Please
The Not Shoe of the Week...
He knows it is only Monday and the typical Shoe of the Week doesn't come until Wednesday, but how about the NOT Shoe of the Week. These three velvet tie dye messes need to go back into the shoe box from which they came. Thank god they decided to make more then one version of this shoe, available in a heel, a boot and a flat. Now you can look horrible no matter what the occasion.
Labels: Bad Bad Bad, Opening Ceremony, Shoe of the Week
How Does the Rain Measure Up?
When it's raining and cold and dreary and He is unhappy, what more could you want then to see how much actual rain you are walking through. If the rain isn't enough to ruin your day, now you can buy these Rain Level Boots to ruin everyone elses.
Labels: Bad Bad Bad, Rain Level Boots, Shoe of the Week, This Just In
What's Even the Point...
Where this might be able to be an attractive outfit, there are two blaring things wrong. First off, stand with confidence. If you stand on the corner, or stand anywhere with shoulders shrugged, people are going to be turned off. Next mini wedges/heels. Throw them all out. What a waste of money these things are. Is there even a point to them?
Labels: Bad Bad Bad, Jumpsuit, Mini Heels, Mini wedges, NYC Streetstyle
Featured: Media Indonesia of my pictures was used as a reference for a fashion article in Media Indonesia...I'm honored! :)
Today's Quiz: Can you spot another blogger featured here as well? Who? ;p
You can read the e-newspaper here...:)
Labels: My Personal Life, Press, Should I Be Proud??
Back and Front
Yaayyyyyy...I finally have my own personal name card....;p
FYI, I made my name cards at recommended! :)
Labels: My Personal Life, Video Posts
The Battle
Just bought these boots from Linea yesterday...I looooooove them to bits.
Anyway...spent my Saturday night with Sharjeel, Arin & Panji playing Guitar Hero hehehe...happyyy!! :)

Labels: Fashion Diary, My Personal Life
The Chicken & Egg Answered
How do you describe yourself?
Happy, positive, playful, odd, spontaneous but also well-planned, observant, friendly, punctual, enjoys meaningless jokes and meaningful chats, straightforward, well-mannered, determined, analytical, curious, clumsy, very serious when working, idealistic, understanding, logical, rational, tend to simplify things, noisy, solution-seeker, extremely calm when under pressure, future-oriented.
What´s your dream job?
Marketing consulting firm owner.
Where would you like to live one day?
Anywhere with him and my family nearby.
What are your parents’ professions?
My dad’s an economist, and mom’s a housewife.
Is your mom as fashionable as you?
Who's your role model?
Hermawan Kartajaya, Quraish Shihab and Bernhard Subiakto. And my parents, of course.
How was your childhood like?
I was born in Colorado, but I spent most of my childhood years in Malaysia. I always cried when mom puts me on a dress. Mom and dad said that I was the most adorable baby a doll! Hahah!
Who or what inspires you on mix-and-matching?
I am inspired by randomness. I really don’t think much when mix-and-matching. I just play around.
What encourages you to still exist in the blogging-world till now?
My blog is my personal diary. I need it to express myself...:)
Have you ever experienced a time where nobody commented on your posts? How did you feel?
Of course! But since I started blogging just to have fun and had no intention to gain followers, I actually didn’t really think about it...:)
How long did it take to get so many followers like you have now?
Well I’ve been blogging for 3 I guess...3 years? ;p
Who inspires you to blog?
Susie Bubble from
How do you get back your mood when you feel stuck and don’t know what to blog about?
When I’m not in the mood to blog, then I don’t blog. Blogging shouldn’t feel like a responsibility, but an enjoyment. I usually get new ideas to blog about after I watch a new movie, listen to a new song, read a book or simply roam around the city. I get inspired by exploring new things.
When you become a wife someday, will you still maintain this blog? Or would you start a brand new blog from scratch?
I think I’ll still maintain this blog. It’s a diary of my life!:)
What's your favorite store?
Topshop, Zara, Forever 21, Mango, Dorothy Perkins, Linea, Pedder Red, Wondershoe, Bloop Endorse, and stores in the Level One Project.
Do you like to shop in flea markets?
How much money do you spend to buy fashion items in a month?
Depends. But it’s never out of the limit I have targeted.
What’s the brand of your geeky glasses?
It’s unbranded!:)
Can you describe fashion by your own definition?
Art applied on human’s body.
Who's your favorite (local and international) designer?
Dina Vahada, Muqliza Imroni, Barli, Adesagi, Karl Lagerfeld, Marc Jacobs.
Do you like to buy knock-off designer items?
I did a few times, and I’d always admit that it was a knock-off. Now I don’t anymore as I have become more aware of how hurtful it is for the designers when we do so. And it’s a crime, really.
What's your feeling when your blog is featured in the magazines or fashion websites?
Extremely content. And grateful...:)
What is the big investment and effort to be a famous blogger?
Passion, time and consistency.
After you made Love Earth bag, will you do other contributions for earth?
Definitely! Do wait! ;p
How do you describe your dream wedding gown?
I don’t have one, nor do I have a dream wedding party. The only thing I dream is to marry the man I really love.
I heard that you are an Industrial Engineering graduate! Did u like this major? Are you interested to have a job that fits your degree?
I liked it, though not that much. I enjoyed my Masters more, majoring in International Business Management. My jobs have actually been relevant to my degrees.
What's your goal in the next 10 years?
In 10 years I’ll be 35 years old. I guess I’ll be married at that time, have 2 kids, good at cooking, have become a marketing expert and a successful business owner. Insya Allah...:)
What’s your height and weight?
161 cm, 53 kg.
How many pairs of shoes do you have?
Ahhhh I need to count first...last time I counted, it reached 100 pairs.
Do you find it comfortable to wear heels?
Depends on the shoes. Some are comfortable, some are not.
What is your favorite color and why?
I like pink. It reminds me of Hello Kitty, Barbie, My Little Pony, Kiki & Lala, basically characters I loved a lot during my childhood.
What is the type of camera that you use to take your pictures?
I use a pocket camera...Nikon Coolpix.
If you were animal, would you be still fashionable and what would that be?
I don’t want to imagine myself as an animal...sorryyyy...;p
Have you ever met your readers, and they noticed you? If yes, what was your reaction?
Yup! Usually I blank out and give that stupid smile. But I’m always extremely happy to meet them! :)
Although you sometimes wear mini skirts and shorts, you don’t seem to convey a sexy or “too revealing” image. How can you do that?
I’m not sure. Perhaps because I don’t feel sexy. So it doesn’t look sexy...;p
What’s your mix-and-match rule?
Always combine items of different kinds. I like it when people find my style difficult to describe because I’d be clashing different styles all together.
How do you deal with nasty or inappropriate comments, especially from guys?
I ignore them.
Cheap or expensive?
Don't you feel it's so warm or even hot wearing all those tights and stockings? I mean as a person living in a tropical country, shouldn't you dress as if it's summer (I think you are not fashion conscious - especially with the climate in your country). You wear them just because you want to look fashionable?
I believe every person has their own temperature tolerance level. I easily feel cold, so I don’t find it a problem wearing tights and do layerings.
How do you manage your time from working, blogging and personal life?
I guess it’s about time management, giving a wise time-proportion to everything you do in life. I don’t like to work more than 8 hours a day, therefore always try to finish everything by 5 p.m. After office hour, I spend time with my friends and or family. Then I blog at night, for about 1-2 hours...:)
What time do you usually go to bed at night?
Usually at 01:00 a.m.
What is your job now? Is your job already your passion or blogging is your passion?
I work in a marketing division for a consumer-goods multinational company. But I decided to take a loooong sabbatical leave because I need time to work on a business I have been wanting to develop. Business is my passion. I like the idea of creating and growing something.
How was your high school years? Was it tough and how were your friends and surroundings like?
The only thing I miss about high school was my band. It was an all-girl band, and I was the lead guitarist. I still dream of being in a band again one day...;p Anyway, I was very much a geek during high school, and I guess my environment wasn’t really for geeks. So I had very limited friends at that time.
Imagine you are traveling in Neverland. And you left your bags at home. What will you wear when you meet Peterpan?
I’m confused! Are you saying that I didn’t bring any clothes and I was travelling without any clothes on? :D
I imagine that someday you’ll become an actress. Do you have passion in acting?
I don’t think so hahah! I’m bad at acting because I’d always laugh.
One thing you covet the most?
Now? Chocolates.
How big is your closet actually?
My closet is 4-doors big. It’s not that big, really!
Where do you take all your clothes when you are already bored with them?
I donate them.
How does it feel to be the 'it' girl?
But I’m not! :D
How much do you spend for your hair each month?
Hhmmm...shampoo, hair spa, probably about Rp.300.000 a month.
When do you take your picture of what you wear that day? Is it in your room? Who takes the picture?
Usually before I leave the house. In my room. Utilizing a tripod.
Don’t you want to try taking outdoor pictures instead of just in your room?
I’d love to, but perhaps once I have someone else besides my tripod heheheh...
Do you exercise your body to gym or something?
Currently I’m into yoga.
Where did you meet Sharjeel?
During my postgrad study. He was my classmate, the most annoying one. He was the type of guy who would always raise his hand when the lecturer asks a question, and I’d be like “ he goes again”.
What was your biggest challenge during your long distance relationship with your boyfriend?
Telephone bills :D
Where did you do your Masters?
Nottingham University.
Do you see yourself as a religious person?
Where are you from?
I’m a mix between Javanese & Sundanese.
How many siblings do you have?
I have 1 elder brother. So there’s only the 2 of us.
Do you have any family ties with Bena?
Are you spontaneous?
Very much!
When was your darkest times, and how did you overcome those moments? What made you feel strong and confident to get through it?
When I completed my Masters, I had a huge fight with my parents. Praying to Allah each and every day made me believe that everything happens for a good reason. It was a test from God, and I just had to try to work things out myself.
How do you manage your finance?
I always make an annual savings target, so I know how much I will (and must) have in my savings account at the end of the year. I save a minimum of 20% of my salary each month. I also set a monthly budget for shopping. So everything’s well planned.
What product do you apply to your skin?
Vitamin C serum and Vitamin E moisturizer from Body Shop.
Do you take any supplements?
Nope, but I think I should.
Labels: My Personal Life
FashionVOTE by He...Who Wore it Better?
He is really starting to believe that this is the ArmHe's favorite time of the week, FashionVOTE by He. This weeks addition of "FashionVOTE by He" is Diasy Dukes, well pretty much just two girls wearing cowboy (or is it cowgirl?) boots. Who Wore it Better? But first, let's break down what we are looking at...
Girl 1: Damn those are short shorts, but He likes it. Her top is simple just a plain (probably boyfriend) henley long sleeve shirt. Nice and comfortable. No jewelry to mention. Standard brown tall cowgirl boots. Probably rolled out of bed and threw on whatever was closest to her. Simple outfit, not blowing anyone away.
Girl 2: Rocking the low cowgirl boots. He doesn't understand this at all. Along the same lines of the "go big or go home" saying, if you're gonna wear something make it authentic. No real cowgirl is wearing boots that small, seems very silly. Jean mini skirt, can't make He unhappy there. Looks like a pink/purple ruffle tuxedo style shirt. Shades to block out the sun, but not He.
Time for the ArmHE to Vote:
Vote I Agree: Girl 1
Vote I Disagree: Girl 2
Dina & Diana
It was a goooood day...alhamdulillah...:) It's been quite a while since I met up with Dina, and today we finally had dinner together...gosh how I miss her so much. It's always nice to chat with my lovely Dina, as we both sorta have the same mindset on so many things in life...and we both love High School Musical! Hahah!

And I also bought a new book! Yay! :)

Labels: Fashion Diary, My Personal Life
Don't Stash Anything in There!!!
Another sad day on Earth when there is at least one person going out to buy this. What a sad way to try and make your package look bigger.
Labels: FashionVIDEO by He, This Just In
Affordable Wedding Dresses
Finding a beautiful yet affordable wedding dress can take time and effort. Many wedding gowns are too expensive for the average bride's wedding budget. Here's some tips to help you save money on your wedding dress.
Don't buy from the bridal department. There is usually a surcharge for dresses in the bridal section of a store. Instead, go to the formal evening wear section or even the prom dress section.
If you've got a lot of time before the wedding, look for sales at wedding salons. After the month of June, many bridal gowns go on sale. Also, check out sample or floor model gowns. Many of them still look fantastic. Some discontinued bridal dress models are very inexpensive compared to most other bridal gowns. And sadly some bridal gowns are paid for but not picked up. These can be bought at a low price.
Don't forget that wedding veils are cheaper than wedding gowns. Spend more on a great veil while saving money on the gown.
eBay and the local newspaper are good places to find inexpensive gowns. Also, use Google search by searching these terms: "wedding dress +discount", "wedding dress +cheap", and "wedding dress +bargain".
As you're on the internet, search for wedding outlet stores. You may find a great deal at these internet bridal stores. Make sure to find out the manufacturer and style of the dress you're interested in. Bridal outlet stores will ask for this information. Also, give them your measurements to see if they have a dress that will fit you. If you do buy a dress from a wedding outlet store, the dress will be sent in a box. However, a trip to the dry cleaners will make the dress look great.
Think about renting your wedding dress. The guys get to rent tuxedos, so why can't you rent your bridal clothes? Renting will save you much money. You can expect a 90% discount on your bridal gown. This means you can wear a $1000 gown for $100!
Scout out the dresses at consignment shops or high fashion/couture wear second hand shops. You can find these shops at every major city.
Ask your relatives and friends. They may have a dress you can borrow.
Think about having your dress made. This is a great alternative if you want the elegant, sleek dress. Plus, designer dresses use the same silk found in fabric stores.
Finally, you can use these tips to find affordable dresses for your bridesmaids.
From:Dee Bovis
Labels: Affordable Wedding Dresses
Thank You...Kimberly Ovtiz
He just discovered Kimberly Ovitz, and He is on board with this designer. Let He also mention Kimberly is a total HottHe, (call He for drinks!). Anyway He digresses. He picked out He's three favorite items from a portion of her Fall / Winter 2010 Collection. All three are He approved and absolute winners. They are all a simple chic, not to dressed up, but if you wore them out, you would still look hot. This is one of those times, when less is more.
Labels: 2010 Collection, Kimberly Ovtiz, Revolve Clothing, Thank You
The Chicken & Egg Soon To Be Answered
Alright, peeps! I guess I've received quite a lot of questions already and I shall answer them all very soon...thank you so much! :)
Labels: Miscellaneous, My Personal Life
Got a Gun Fetish? How About Bullets?
For those in the ArmHe looking for ammo, He has got the stuff for you. Meet BulletGirl, while her bullets won't fire, they still look like they can do some damage. Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings, you can practically wrap yourself in bullet jewelry.
Labels: Bullet Rings, BulletGirl, This Just In
High Socks...All Wrong!
Labels: Bad Bad Bad, NYC Streetstyle, Thigh High Tights