This is what I have been carrying around in my bag for the past few days...:)
Any guesses what it is? It's a mini speaker! Hahah...these are X-Mini capsule speakers to be exact, courtesy of Atikom...thank you!! :)
Because of S, I have developed a greater love for gadgets...but on the other hand, I have made S become so much into shoes as well hehehehe...oh well :D
This speaker is so handy (and good!!) for people like me who enjoys listening music especially from my handphone...but of course you could also plug it into your computer or laptop....:)
There's also one for S...the white one...:)
If you're interested to in these X-Mini speakers, you can visit here for more info...shout out "Hot Chocolate" on their facebook page and receive 20% discount off...yay! :)
Small & Loud
Labels: Miscellaneous, My Personal Life
Hey He...It's Freezing Out! Are Knit Leggings OK?
Are Knit Leggings okay for winter? Great question you ask (He asked it) yes knit leggings are okay for winter. Hell if it was acceptable for He to wear those things, He might. But here are some things He is seeing many people do wrong.
1) These need to fit like normal leggings, tight! If they are all loose and gross well then they aren't He Approved.
2) Not Pants - while leggings can be pants, these just look like weird pajamas as pants, throw something over them please
3) Keep the designs in check. Let's not go overboard and buy knit leggings that look like your blind grandmother made.
Also not a bad idea to get leg warmers, those look real good with leggings or pants, and a pair of heels, another great way to stay a little warmer as winter keeps us cold.
Freaky Monday Afternoon Hairclips...
By far one of the creepiest hair clips we have ever featured on Fashion by He. Guess this puts a whole to turn to the phrase "Watch your back."
More pics by clicking
Labels: Hair Clip on Hair
Yum Yum in Your Tum...
It has been real cold in NYC and He has been a bit of a baby lately and hasn't gotten nearly enough picture to keep the blog going. Instead we have to go with a random product to start the day off. Hopefully He can get back out there soon and bring you more of the pictures you are used to seeing on FbyHe. For now here is an Edible Candy Heart Ring.
Labels: Edible Candy Heart Ring, This Just In
Village Cure
Delirium top, DR for Bloop Endorse skirt, Dorothy Perkins tights, Allura by Nasya Marissa flower necklace, Clementine bag, Up wedges
Labels: Fashion Diary
Queen B
This is it! Results from last week's Style Renewal by project...yayyy! :)
What do you guys think? :D
Before the D-day, I decided to meet B in person by inviting her for dinner and window shopping...I just felt that is was really important to know her personality & preferences well before I can actually decide what style suits her best...from our chat, I could tell that B was rather boyish, goes for simple & easy-to-wear clothes, does not like loud patterns or prints, and likes to dress rather sexy heheheh...
This is her everyday style...:)
And this is how I styled her...:)

Thank you so much to for the opportunity to style such a gorgeous lady...I hope you like it, B! :)
Check out other girls with their new transformed style here! :)
* Last two pictures courtesy of Michelle Koesnadi of Glisters & Blisters...thanks, love!
Labels: Fashion Diary
FashionINTERNATIONAL by He...SoCal
Labels: FashionInternational by He, Hollister
The Wheels Keep Spinning
Hi, everyone...:)
I really apologize for not being active and swift in replying to your emails & blog comments lately...although I do still slip some time to blog, I don't quite have the energy to respond to each and every question I receive, but I promise you I do read them...and thank you very much...:')
Life's been really crazy on my side and it's occupying my mind a lot...I'm amazed and grateful by how much love you all give for my shoe line, Up, and because of that, I'll be insya Allah opening a store very very soon...I hope this new store will allow us to interact & serve you better, allowing Up to progress and become a better brand...I'm sooooooooooo excited...I hope everything will run smooth..amin ya Allah...:')
Aside from Up, I'm also currently developing a new business, not fashion-related, but I can assure you it's just as fact, it's so exciting that I'm in love with it hahah...I can't reveal what it's about yet, but I'll keep you guys posted! :)
And can also read my writings on every issue of Cosmogirl!...:)
I guess that's about it for now...again, thank you so much for the very kind comments and emails, everyone...I'm trying my best to reply them all...much love! :)
Labels: My Personal Life
Music & Books
It was a good day because...
1. I had a productive meeting...:)
2. Spent my Saturday night shopping very good books with S...:)
3. I have new CDs! Yay!! :)
Labels: Fashion Diary, My Personal Life
Guess That Celebrity Style?
If you ain't growing you better words have been spoken. Leave it to He to come up with another amazing feature on Fashion by He. Remember ShoeSmash? Brillant! Now He brings you Guess that Celebrity Style...Easy enough, He will post a picture of someone, and you can try and guess who it might be. For the first ever Guess that Celebrity Style, we are featuring a He Approved look so hot, it's making He's head you know who this celebrity is?
Click Read More to find out...
Megan Fox...Wow! Short shorts, high socks and some crazy bootie wedges. She might not have the best style of all the celebrities in the world, but He thinks we can all agree this is a hot look! Even though its winter in NYC, He will have you know short shorts, tights and heels is by far his #1 look this season. Throw some thigh high sock over the tights, He might like it even more, hard to tell. Homerun outfit, and a great way to kick off this new feature on FbyHe.
How To Pronounce Louboutin...
Just in case you weren't sure or were saying it wrong, now we are clear.
Lady In Red Finished Day 1
Day 1 of BLOGGER YARD SALE pt.4+ done! Yayyyyyyy!! :)
Labels: Fashion Diary, My Personal Life