It was a good day because I didn't feel like turning the radio on when driving back home. Music was already playing inside my heart. :)
Excuse Me, But Your Epidermis is Showing...
According to Wikapedia, Epidermis is "the outer layer of the skin." Which brings us to the Epidermis Dress. Friends of He have named this dress such, due to the skin tight nature of the clothing. Usually worn by people with good bodies, unfortunately worn sometimes by people with bodies that need to hit the gym. While goodlooking bodies are He approved in these Epidermis Dresses, no real question there, if you got a tight body, why not show it off. If you have cellulite any at all, it tends to show through pretty easily, like cottage cheese. Something you need to be very aware of. Hey, some guys are into that, just not He. You can find these Epidermis Dresses at American Apparel and Karmaloop.
Vote "I Agree" - If the Epidermis Dress is Approved.
Vote "I Disagree" - If the Epidermis Dress is Slutty and Gross.
Labels: American Apparel, Bandaid Dress, Epidermis Dress, Karmaloop, Yes Please
Caravan Invasion
Attended the (X)SML Annual Show 2010 at The East...too bad I had to leave early so I didn't really get to see the whole show..but it was awesome for sure! :)

Labels: Fashion Diary, My Personal Life
Skeletor Belt...It'll Hold You Together...
Leather belt with silver interlacing buckle by Italian designer Delfina Delettrez. Just imagine showing up on a date wearing this. It would probably send He running. He doesn't need competition with your belt when He tries to put He's hand on your waiste.
Labels: Delfina Delettrez, Skeletor Belt, This Just In
Keep these Moon Shoes on the Moon...
First off, the mother deserves a kick in the head for allowing her kid to f*cking bounce all over NYC. Second, what in the world is this person doing? Why would anyone want to walk or bounce around on these things. Yea it might a good time in in street for about 2 min, but to walk around the city, are you f*ckign crazy? But some f*cking heels on and lets go.
Labels: Bad Bad Bad, Moon Shoes, NYC Streetstyle
What's Your Favorite Color?
For those of you who are not able to access the video above, basically I'm having a giveaway contest, and following is the question you all simply need to answer...:)
Two winners with the most interesting answer will each win a pair of tights from We Love send in your answers before August 5th, 2010!!
Yayness!! :)
Labels: Giveaways, Video Posts
Thank You...Nasty Girl
Labels: ASOS, Shop Nasty Gal, Thank You
Prints Galore
Life feels so exciting when we explore new things...even more exciting when within that exploration phase, we get involved in the creation of new things as well...:)
Anyway, newbies from Bloop Endorse...happyyyyyyyy!!
Labels: Fashion Diary
Swimsuit and Heels - Topless Tanning...He Approved
So apparently everyone is making a big deal that Paris Hilton likes to go topless on a bost in Sardinia, Italy. First off, we should not be making a big deal of this, pretty sure everyone alive has seen Paris topless before. Second, topless tanning should be encourage, if it weren't for all these damn tightasses in America we too could have women tanning topless. Third, the real issue here that everyone else is failing to realize is the fact that Paris Hilton Tans Topless and in HEELS! Hello!!! Isn't that exactly what He has been telling you all along, Hell Paris probably decided to pull of this little move after reading FbyHe in Italy. Bottom lines wear heels everywhere, even when you are in a bathing suit tanning on a boat. Why? Because everyone looks better in heels.

Well Gianna, He doesn't think He could have said it better himself. Although He tried in this Post. Gianna is right though, it really is enough of this wear sneakers to work business. There are plenty of women who walk block upon blocks around NYC in 4" heels. Quit your bitching and strap on the heels.
Labels: FashionInternational by He
Shoe of the Week...Ally
He is giving you options this week. The ALLY Shoe Boots comes in three different colors/designs. Nubuck shoe boots with leather stacked platforms and heels. Heel approx 5". Choice of Brown, Black/Gold, and Black/Black snakeskin. He isn't usually a fan of these boot type heels, but He is willing to make an exception for these.
P.S. FASHION BY HE PARTY, RSVP to the HE Party. Help spread the word.
Labels: Ally, ALLY Shoe Boots, Shoe of the Week
Jeans and I
This is a comment I quite often get from people around:
I do admit that jeans is a must-have item, however finding the perfect fitting jeans its not an easy case. I believe jeans are supposed to flaunt our body curves, but usually they end up fitting nicely on the waist and not on the hip, or vice versa. Given this, the only moments I decide to buy and wear a pair of jeans and disregard the fitting issue would be when I find the jeans cute, like these hehehhehehe...
Do you guys actually experience this as well? Or is it just me and my figure?
Labels: Fashion Diary
Does Your Thong Stick Out?
Well guess that solves the last of the world's problems. Oh Wait, there are still other things wrong. Damn, He thought this was the last thing we needed for a perfect world. He isn't going to claim to be a scientist or anything, but He is pretty sure the reason the thongs stick out of girls pants is due to the pants being too small. He also has researched to find out if a woman wears corretly fitting pants the thong will not poke out the top. But then again buying an $18 pair of these underwear might be a better deal then a new properly fitting pair of jeans.
Labels: My Panteez, This Just In, Thong Sticking out, Thongs
Chasing Clouds
A day out with Bena and Bintang, also known as The Sis and The Bro...:)
As literal as this post title is, we actually spent the day taking pictures of clouds for my personal project...;p
Labels: Fashion Diary, My Personal Life
HottHe of the Week...Tess

Labels: HottHe of the Week, Tess
Are Silly Bandz Silly?
What is the big deal with these Silly Bandz. Little kids are wearing them, grown women are wearing them, hell even guys are wearing these things all over. He is still out on the, He certainly has put any of these on, but it almost seems like a surefire way in with a girl. Best of all He doesn't hate it if chicks are wearing these, you want to get back to your young days, fine with He. Is He missing out by not getting custom Fashion by He bandz made? Now that's a brillant idea.
Vote "I agree": For they are for more then just 8 year olds.
Vote "I disagree": You are a loser if you are over 8 and wear them.
Labels: Bad Bad Bad, Silly Bandz, Yes Please
Need a Backbone? He's Got Your Back!
We have seen Underwear with added hair, a meat dress, and hair extensions tshirt. Now He brings you the Singlet the built in back bone tank top. Just another crazy t-shirt idea.
Too Much, Not a Hot School Girl...
Anyone else think there is something wrong here? Black/Red plaid skirt is typically not a problem, red leggings are okay too if that's your sort of thing. But when the two reds don't match
Labels: Bad Bad Bad, NYC Streetstyle
A Member of the ArmHe Needs Our Help...
First off, thanks for the email. Second, no member of the ArmHe gets left behind. Third, wear the heels every single day. If guys in your school are too dumb to realize that girls look better in heels then in flats, well then they still have a ways to go before their balls drop. If any girls have a problem with you wearing heels, they are obviously jealous. If they still have a problem tell them to read FbyHe. If problem persists, have them contact He for a lashing.
Vote I Agree: If Taylor should keep wearing the heels.
Vote I Disagree: If you think Taylor Should conform and not wear the heels.
Labels: ArmHe, FashionHelp by He, This Just In, Yes Please
Bustier for a Boost!
Lingerie as outter wear has become an ever evolving look. Each girl allowed to define the look how she feels most comfortable. Many have starting wearing bustiers as part of their lingerie as outterwear look, He sees no reason for complaints. He has always been a avid supporter of this look. How can He complain when she is wearing something that is pushing everything in and up. (pics:
Labels: Bustier, Shop Nasty Gal, Yes Please
A Hat for a Hot Day...
If you need to hold the hat on your head as you walk around, its probably not the best choice of headwear. Then again He doesn't think this hat should ever be worn.
NEW: Fashion by He is going to be starting a new weekly post called "HotHe of the Week" This feature will be of a person nominated by the ArmHe for having great style. He doesn't just want to see blog posts being nominated. (although some will be allowed) Try and send everyday street style pictures, or if you looked good on a night out, etc. Nominate a friend, nominate yourself, it doesn't matter. Send a picture, your name, and where you are from to and you could find yourself as the next "HotHe of the Week."
Labels: Bad Bad Bad, NYC Streetstyle
Discounted Wedding dresses
A wedding can chalk up your expenses quite a bit. One great way to save money on your wedding is to look for a wedding dress discount. Discounted wedding dresses do not mean the cheap low quality dress that's in your mind now. Instead these dresses are sold at a discounted price as in the case of online shopping stores.
When you shop online, the sellers do not need an actual brick storefront to sell their goods. That's why the dresses can be sold at a lower price. One thing you need to remember when purchasing dresses online is to stick to reputable dealers. Make sure you can contact them again in the future. If you opt to shop online, you get a chance to look at various designs and styles of gowns that you can afford.

First thing is for you to determine your needs. Do you have a theme? Do you want colored dresses? Once you determine what you need, it will be easier to narrow down your search. Discounted wedding dresses can be found for every style imaginable, from the traditional formal gowns right down to the informal dresses and even discounted designer wedding dresses.
Remember that when you spend your money on a discounted wedding dress, you are not settling for second best or lower quality. It just means that you're able to prioritize and spend your money wisely. Did you know that some dresses can be purchased at as much as an 80% discount from online stores?

That money that you save from purchasing a discounted wedding dress can be used for other things like your reception or your honeymoon. Deciding not to spend too much money on a wedding dress does not mean that you cannot be the most magnificent bride ever. Choosing a discounted wedding dress will not only save you money, it will also be fun when you can get the dress of your dreams for less.
From:May Lehmann
Labels: Discounted Wedding Dresses
Featured: ELLE Magazine
Woaahh what a Sunday...another feature, peeps! This one's an article about the rise of local fashion bloggers by Ve Handojo for ELLE magazine....thank you so much for the appreciation! :)
Labels: Fashion Diary, Press, Should I Be Proud??